Along with our allies, the Ella Baker Center led the efforts to win Senate Bill 483 by Senator Allen – The Repeal Ineffective Sentencing Enhancements (RISE) Act, which will result in thousands of years being taken off of currently incarcerated people’s sentencesEn Español abajo.

This victory builds on our past policy wins. In 2017 and 2019, California ended the use of sentence enhancements that added three years of incarceration for each prior drug offense (SB 180 Mitchell) and one year for each prior prison or felony jail term (SB 136 Wiener). However, these reforms only applied to cases filed after the bills became law. The RISE Act now authorizes courts to retroactively reduce the sentences of everyone in prison and jail serving time for one or more of these enhancements! 

Here are some resources our team put together to support you and your loved ones!

  • This Clemency Advocacy Guide is a resource for individuals who have applied for clemency from the Governor of California and ask the question, “What do I do now?”


Senate Bill 483 (Allen) se basa en victorias políticas pasadas para aplicar la eliminación del alargamiento de sentencias de uno y tres años a las personas que actualmente están detenidas en prisiones y cárceles. SB 483 representa un paso significativo hacia la reducción del daño que hacen las sentencias largas e injustas.

 SB 483 ahora autoriza a los tribunales a aplicar las derogaciones a la extensión de sentencias, reduciendo de manera retroactiva las sentencias de todos aquellos que están en prisión o cárcel por estas extensiones.

Recursos Español

Senate Bill 483, the RISE Act, was passed by Californians United for a Responsible Budget (CURB), Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights LA (CHIRLA), Drug Policy Alliance California, and the Ella Baker Center.

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