The Inside/Outside Policy Fellowship is a program designed to increase contributions to the Ella Baker Center’s policy work by people who are directly impacted by the policies we are advocating to change. It’s also an opportunity for directly impacted people to learn more about the criminal justice movement and the process for changing policies, while receiving payment for their contributions and labor. 

We are in our fourth year of the Inside/Outside Policy Fellowship! For this cohort two currently incarcerated Inside Policy Fellows will work with one formerly incarcerated Outside Policy Fellow for a nine-month fellowship program. All fellows will work hand-in-hand with the program team and in coordination with the broader EBC organization to determine statewide policy priorities, shape reform narratives, and conduct grassroots organizing and awareness building within prison settings and the broader criminal justice movement.

What is our Theory of Change?

If we organize with people who are currently incarcerated, then we breach the barriers designed to maintain the prison industrial complex: we challenge physical separation by reducing the prison population through policy; we challenge social separation by centering the ideas, needs, and leadership of those inside; and we challenge political separation by building a successful framework for the exercise of inside/outside political power.

Inside/Outside Policy Fellowship Curriculum