You already know that our “justice” system is anything but – and the Ella Baker Center is fighting to shift resources away from these systems of harm, and back into our communities. 

Breaking news of the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office taking NO action after 47 Alameda deputies failed psychological evaluations is appalling. We are disappointed but not surprised by the lack of accountability the office has shown.

“The fact that ten percent of the active deputies working for ACSO received failing psychological exams dating back to 2016 is disturbing. Even more horrifying is that the Sheriff’s Office has known about this for so long and did absolutely nothing except turn a blind eye and cover this up at the expense of the general public and incarcerated individuals,” said Ella Baker Center for Human Rights Organizing Director Jose Bernal.

You can read more about this story here:

Read our statement.

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Will you help us keep up the fight by making a donation today?

For twenty-five years, we’ve been working to advance people-powered campaigns for racial and economic justice – and we are winning. We have fired racist cops. We have shut down youth prisons. We have moved resources back into low-income communities of color. But, our fight is far from over. We need your help to turn the tide of criminalization, state violence, and incarceration.

With your tax-deductible gift to the Ella Baker Center, you shine a light for our way ahead. You are resourcing a national movement calling for a shift away from a culture of policing and punishment and towards schools, housing, employment, and healthcare for communities hit hardest by mass incarceration.